Do you know the way to Annecy? Yup! Jump on the autoroute and five and one half hours later from Andlau, you're there. This drive has the potential to be a very pretty one, but all through the Jura, which is the region between the Alsace and the Savoie where we were going, the fog was relatively dense. The closer we got to Annecy, however, the skies cleared and the remainder of the day was pristine. One small novelty today was that they had built numerous bridges over the auto route to allow deer to cross the road. So the joke should be, "How did the deer cross the road?" Easy! They built a million euro bridge for him. On the outskirts of Annecy we stopped at a rest stop for lunch. We have found the autoroutes to be easiest place to find a picnic table. Our route today was the fastest way to get from point A to point B but it came at a cost - 42 euros in tolls.

Once in Annecy, Emily (our GPS) led us directly to our Ibis Hotel built alongside the scenic river running through Annecy.

Arriving early afternoon gave us lots of time for a leisurely stroll through town and around Lac Annecy, with a few photo ops.

This is called letting my pictures do the talking. The last time we were in Annecy, there were no views. We had come here with Tony and Jackie to let Tony get his first glimpse of the Alps. Alas, all we got was clouds to the rooftops and pouring rain. So, Tony, this is what we missed.
On the recommendation of the hotel, we booked a reservation at Les Chineurs for dinner. We asked them for a a place authentic and not touristy. This place was only one minute from the hotel which was a bonus. At 7:00, we were the first customers and as the place filled we realized that they still eat late in Annecy. We all had different main dishes tonight, Carole the Savoie chicken specialty, Claude scallops, Dawn the special of the day, a slow cooked lamb shoulder and I had a sweetbread cassolet. The portions were healthy but everyone throughly enjoyed their meal.

After dinner the girls retired to the hotel, while Claude and I went back to some of today's photo highlights to try for night shots. Our endeavours did not go unrewarded.

We're really glad that we were able to get back to Annecy to appreciate its true splendour and hope that the great weather continues for Sisteron tomorrow. By the way, Happy First Day of Autumn! Which is a nice way of saying Summer 2015 is history.
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