We did, however, find Tissus Gregoire with no difficulty and for lovers of fabrics of all kinds, this place was paradise. Our problem here was not finding something, it was making a decision. We did succeed in choosing a nice replacement for what's currently dressing the chairs, which although we like it, is marking far too easily.

From here, we thought we'd wander down into the Luberon and go for lunch in Rousssillon. Of course the route takes you immediately below the ever-photographic Gordes, shown above.
Roussillon continues to be one of our favourite destinations. We lunched in a cafe down from Restaurant David - never want to pay their prices - overlooking the ochre cliffs. Following pizza and salad, we went to visit Francoise Valenti, the artist whose works decorate our dining room. We had a nice chat with her and she shared with us a recent trip she took to India by taking us through her journals. Each page of her journals is an artwork with water coloured sketches she did along the way along with her diary. She said it takes her about an hour to illustrate 4 pages of the book, so clearly she's very good. She is definitely not wasting the magnificent talent that she has nurtured over the years.

Emily then proceeded to take us home right through the Venasque Gorge - delightful! This is a route I've often contemplated, but thanks to Emily we took ever twist, turn, switchback and canyon that the road threw at us. Just as a navigational note, this route from Roussillon to Cairanne takes 1 hour.

Back safely in Cairanne, it was cocktail hour and that was about it for today.
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