We were gone from Nevers by 9:30 and in for a fairly dull, two hour drive – dull by yesterday’s standards, not by staying alive on French roads standards. In those terms driving here is NEVER dull.

Since we had lots of time, we thought we’d make a little detour to Fontainebleau, yet another piece of evidence proving that the French Revolution really WAS necessary. This royal retreat probably has more buildings on the site than Versailles, but with not quite the decadence. We took an extensive walk about the grounds, but tried to avoid the horde of Japanese tourists, so passed on the interior tour.

Back on the road, we made it to the hotel, once again with Emily’s intermittent help, with no problem. We opted for a little higher end place – 4 star – for our last night in France and stayed at the Millennium, located in Roissy in a community of the biggest airport hotels you’ve ever seen. Air conditioning was the best feature, since today was yet another low 30’s scorcher.

If you’ve been reading the blog, you know we’ve had a fabulous vacation. Are we ready to go home? Sure! But, what will we actually miss about France?
a) the relaxed pace
b) the care that is taken with every meal
c) the wine
d) the wine
e) the wine – am I getting monotonous?
f) the rich history and extreme geography
g) the wonderful winding roads and at the same time the amazing high speed highways
h) being together 24/7 – this is NOT sarcasm
i) my cute little Peugeot 207 SW
j) getting lots of opportunity to improve our French
This is it for another version of my travel blog. I’ve had fun writing it. And 5800 kilometres later, I hope all my readers have had fun too. See you next time!