For our first full day in St. Chinian, we couldn't have picked a better day to wake up - Sunday Market. Our house is a scant 100 metres from the market square, nicely spread out under plane trees. Since we already had a prime parking place, all we had to do was exit Aurelie and we were at the market.

So, after a leisurely start to the day, we strolled out into the sunshine through the market, picking up various culinary necessities along the way - legumes, poulet rotie, les fruits, les chips - yes that is a necessity - and of course du pain. This market nicely confines itself to the main square, so one doesn't totally wear oneself out. I found a new tomato lady, not that the old one will ever be replaced.

Following market we did a walk about town and enjoyed its understated charm. St. Chinian has quite a unique placement, below a limestone escarpment. This is really a valley town. Although the town, dating back to 825, was originally a textile

town, it is now of course the centre of the St. Chinian wine appellation. We've had a few St. Chinians now and they are not to be dismissed. The white we enjoyed today for lunch - according to all reports, this town does not make white wine - was fabulous, light, a little oaky and buttery. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was a Chardonnay, but in fact it was more likely a majority Grenache blanc.
Lunch consisted of some cherries & melon from the market along with - wait for it - the chips. The St. Chinian blanc nicely finished things off - finished us off actually - and it was directly off to a siesta. I think this is a good time to add, La Vie est Belle!

Along with some Skyping to Canada, the rest of the day was devoted to researching our various outings from St. Chinian in the next 2 weeks. There are definitely a few lunches to be eaten out, as we have discovered a number of fabulous sounding restaurants, including a one star in Beziers called L'Octopus.
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