As we approached Spain and a customs stop, we realized we didn't have our passports. They were safe back in St. Chinian. Fortunately we were not stopped, so on we zoomed to Figueres, where we found the home town and museum of Salvatore Dali.
This was a visit recommended by others who had stayed at Aurelie, so although we knew what we were in for, we decided to add a dash of culture to the trip.

If this is culture, show me a McDonalds. Dali's museum was even more bizarre than we anticipated. I couldn't stop laughing as we went from exhibit to exhibit. I might note that no one else in the over crowded museum was laughing - no sense of humour, these Europeans.

He certainly had a unique perspective on just about everything, including his nudes. One has to be pretty psychotic to seriously enjoy this stuff. For sure, you'll never see another exhibit like it. Maybe that's the point. But, I mean, some of the pieces! What WAS he thinking?

Nothing was really well signed in Figueres, so both finding the museum and getting out of town was a challenge. We finally called upon Emily to get us to the coastal road back to France and she came through with flying colours.
Once along the coast, we were reminded what a spectacular drive this is, on heavily winding roads that afford one amazing view after another.

For lunch we stopped at a cafe along the sea in Banyuls. While lunching, a school group gathered on the beach in front of us and went for a swim - most of them out to a diving platform. The other half of them were suited up in dry suits and preparing for a scuba lesson. We couldn't help think how none of this would happen if they were in Canada, what with all the liability crap we put up with. There was no lifegaurd in sight and indeed, the two teaachers in charge weren't even seriously watching the kids.

Of course the other element of the French beach was also in evidence. Dali's not the only one who appreciates his nudes.

Following lunch, we continued the drive down the coast, marvelling at the steeply pitched and stone wall terraced vineyards and stopping to grab quick pics of Port Vendres and Collioure. Once again, this is a fabulous part of France and it was already starting to suffer from its summer congestion. It is no wonder people flock here though. We're likely to make a return trip before we head north. So there you go.

Because we were now driving north, the wind was even wilder as we sped up the autoroute. There were no mishaps along the way and we did the Banyuls to St. Chinian route in a little over one and a half hours. The wind could die a little for tomorrow, but we ARE grateful for the sunshine.
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