We spent half of today in Orange. The market here is not one that we’ve been to for many years. I recollect going to it in one of our first visits to this area and we actually found it a little scary and I guess have avoided returning. I think the narrow congested streets containing a large ethnic element might have intimidated us.
Whatever the case, we had no such feeling today. In fact, Dawn commented that she liked it better than Nyons.
Anyway, we strolled through the heart of old Orange passed its ancient Roman theatre. We have done the audio-guided tour here before and found it excellent, since this is the best example of a non-restored original theatre in Europe, but not today.

We also bought absolutely nothing. Once again, somebody had better check our pulses!

By early afternoon, we were back in Cairanne as it began to heat up. Now that we’ve slowed our pace a bit, we’re getting back into habit of having "weak spells" and find them absolutely divine!
There are no gastronomic feats to record today, so this entry will be a little shorter. I’ll try to do better tomorrow.
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