So, the second rainy day of our stay just happens to be on a Sunday again. Now in Canada, the fact that it's a Sunday is relatively insignificant, but here, they still take Sundays seriously and if anything is open, it is only for a short period of time in the morning. This is true in the large cities as well. We know, because we thought something might be open in Avignon, mais NON!
In any case, we did zip into Vaison la Romaine for fuel and a short shopping excursion before things closed. Dawn was heavily into the new clothing line, when a couple of French ladies handed Dawn an outfit they thought would look good on her. I think they were trying to improve my credit card bill. Merci, mesdames!
This would seem to be a perfect day to give the crew who visited us during our stay in 2009 an update on Peter's progress in Cairanne. For those of you who haven't seen pictures of the place as it's evovled or have refused our invitations to visit us, I might refer you to my September 4, 2009 edition entitled "Pigeon Residence, Cairanne".
The interior of the main house is now complete with the den/third bedroom and its adjoining bathroom, which features a tub - I know this was for Margaret - plus shower. Love this shower by the way!

The studio now has an addition with utility room and wine cellar below. My wine is in the purple crates shown at the top of the picture. I've shown the studio, which is Peter & Margaret's private domain, from the courtyard, from the road and from above - in that order.

The other building in the courtyard that we weren't sure of in 2009, is now the garage for Peter's Triumph TR4 and below, his workshop.

In my walkabout to grab these photos, I walked up through the gateway into the old town - shown at the beginning of this entry - and noticed a continuation of the "metal chairs as artwork" motif that we noticed just below the church, when Jackie was here. Chairs in the wall? Your guess is as good as mine. By the way, I AM aware that the actual song goes "Rainy days and Mondays...".

Due to cooler temperatures today, we decided to do some serious cooking tonight with no concern about heating up the place. Our meal tonight - one of my favourites - was a tribute to all the Swiss we saw today in Vaison la Romaine, Geschnetzeltes mit Rosti.

This is one of the first nights we've been forced indoors for dinner. I guess it was bound to happen. I think tonight's dinner deserved at least one star, but then I'm prejudiced.
Tonight I experimented with my camera and the endless fabulous sunsets. I don't think this one captures them any better, but perhaps I'm getting closer.

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