Since I’m starting off with a photo of Camille Cayran, the wine cooperative of Cairanne, I should probably say a few words about wine. We’ve been doing a good job of sampling the local product since we’ve arrived and because it’s been warm, we’ve had a lot of whites and roses.
Now, the locals claim they can’t make a decent white in this region, but Corinne Couturier, the female vintner of Rabasse-Charavin, sure does a fine job. We’ve also discovered a fine white at Camille Cayran and one at Galuvan.
Galuvan are now working the Domaine Rocher vines and last night with our duck we pulled out my final 2001 Monsieur Paul and a 2003 Domaine Rocher red. They were fabulous. The other night, we also cracked into my case of 2007 Fontsane Les Terrasses Gigondas – equally amazing!
The vendage has not really begun. Some whites are being picked, but Rasteau, for example, doesn’t start picking until next week. The weather forecast for the next week is warm and sunny so they shouldn’t have any issues getting the grapes off at the right time.
We’ve had a few 2010’s that have been released early and so far they appear promising, but they’re pretty light right now. We haven’t spoken to anyone about the 2011 harvest and what they might be anticipating, but I’ll pass that on when I have some information.

Today I started the day with a big walk in the vineyards. I followed a marked trail out of Cairanne and up into the hills to the north of town. It was a little slick in places due to yesterday’s deluge, but I managed to stay upright and only deviated from the route twice – once because I stopped watching for markings and missed a turnoff and once because I was following a trail, but not one that would take me home. Oops!

My route took me along the top of the hill north of Cairanne with views of Ste. Cecile and the Nyons valley. Since I started out at 7:00, I watched the sun come up on Cairanne and it was pretty impressive, especially after the dull day yesterday.

I ended up being gone close to two hours and of course the girls were all concerned. I reminded them that I was carrying both my cellphone and GPS, so there was no need for concern.
Following breakfast we hit the small market at Tulette, next door. Apparently a day without a market is like a day without sunshine.

Then we drove to Tissus Gregoire, close to Avignon and low and behold, we walked away without a single purchase. Maybe we’re sick! Anyway, with all the fabric products it’s a little hard to make a choice, even if you know what you want.
Afternoon was “weak spell time” back at Cairanne and because it’s about the only restaurant open on Monday night, we set off to Le Tourne au Verre within walking distance of the house in town.

This restaurant has always featured a set menu of 3 courses. Now, you can have 1, 2 or 3 courses and there is a choice of two dishes for each course. Jackie & I started with a beef carpaccio, while Dawn had a smoked salmon dish. For main course Dawn & Jackie had sea breme while I had a lamb tajine. For dessert we all had stewed figs. The meal was excellent and the pleasant evening meant that we were eating on the patio.
We finished off the night with a couple of games of “Bite Me” and some popcorn. So far the girls, Dawn in particular, are cleaning up. Time for change!
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