Now that our stay in France in winding down, we have determined, once again, that it would be prudent to mail a box home. That will make our final packing much less stressful. So we bought an appropriately sized box at an office supply store in Orange, packed it with sundry items weighing less than 7 kg, drove down to Ste. Cecile for a banking machine since last year I recollect having to pay cash and visited the Post Office. Having been buzzed in, we were immediately informed that the computers for La Poste in the whole of the region were down. We filled out the customs paper work anyway and left with our parcel. Since Cairanne's Poste is only open mornings from 10-12, that meant either trying Ste. Cecile again this afternoon or waiting until tomorrow morning. On our way back to Chez Pigeon we thought we'd seek out the donkey yard up close. They sure got loud when they thought we might be there to feed them.

Today was intended as a slow day - aka reading and in my case, starting to work on this year's travel book. The weather has remained cool, so that meant finding a comfy spot in the house and hunkering down. As the afternoon wore on, Dawn did lots of reading and I almost got my book finished - fruitful! It had warmed up a bit as well and so we did a small walkabout and I took what I hope are some unique pics.

The last picture for today is the most radical shot of Chez Pigeon - a fisheye view from above.

The house does not actually curve like that. It's the panorama effect, OK? Anyway, we had a great slow day. Woo hoo! Maybe the post office will oblige tomorrow.
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