We awoke this morning to no rain, dense fog and hunters, shooting at God knows what in the fog. It's pretty much guaranteed that neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor fog will stop the hunter in France from making it to his Sunday hunting date. And given the total lack of huntable critters - we haven't seen anything moving other than a few small birds - what they are shooting at, remains a mystery.

We left the house at 7:35 to deliver Claude and Carole to the airport in Marseilles. The fog wasn't a serious deterrent, so we were walking into the terminal at 8:40 and after making sure they were checked in, we headed back north, finishing the round trip in just under three hours. The fog had not yet burned off, but we hung some wash on the line and watched a couple episodes of Homeland 4, before finally succumbing to the early rising hour and crashing for a bit. By late afternoon it was still cool but at least mostly sunny and we finally made our way to the terrace for some book/blog time.

The grape harvest is now finished here and according to our discussion yesterday with the fellow at Dionysos, 2015 promises to be a good one. The yield is down due to the very hot spring and summer, but the quality is better than it has been over the last few years.

Tonight we Facetimed again with Canada. The ipad seems to work much better for this than the computer. We now have one and a half weeks here on our own and perhaps I'll have very little of interest to publish, but I'll still try to post every day.
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