Monday, September 29, 2014

Stocking the larder

A road trip is and was great but it's also wonderful to stay put for a while. Of course that meant that today was devoted to filling up the fridge with French delights. Before that, however, we got some good news. It appears that the Air France pilots strike is over and although the next couple of days might still have flight issues, by the time Carole and Claude fly home next weekend, they should have no problem with their flights. After a very leisurely start to the day - and that felt great - we decided to have the ultimate shopping experience and head to Avignon to the Auchan. This is a shopping experienve that delights most of our guests and certainly gave us an opportunity to get anything we need.
We started off with a small list, but ended up checking out with an overflowing cart. It's amazing how those things happen! As usual the aisle of roses kept us entertained.
The skies were less than their usual Provencal blue today and although it looked distinctly like rain, it held off. I doubt we'll be as lucky tomorrow. The rest of the day was devoted to enjoying the ambiance and washing clothes. We had a fabulous salmon dinner this evening and thoroughly enjoyed all courses.
After a week of lengthy blog entries, the next few might be a little lighter.

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