Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jackie & Tony Arrive

The warm wind continues and today was actually beyond warm - we thought it was summer again. On our way to the airport, we stopped at Auchan to pick up a pair of pants that I was having shortened. The lady never showed, so we continued to Marseilles. While waiting for Tony and Jackie to arrive I started played with a new photo app that I had downloaded before leaving home. It was called Snapseed by Google and I remade the following pics taken earlier on the trip. Interesting!
This app could be my new best friend. Anyway, Tony and Jackie arrived from Amsterdam on time and we quickly headed back north. I thought a quick stop at Auchan would solve my problem with the pants but alas, no one was home. Gotta love France! Back at Cairanne we had some lunch and then gave the newbies some down time. Actually, I appreciated it as well. By dinner I was prepping the foie gras I had purchased for tomorrow while making Rahmgeschntzeltes mit rosti for dinner tonight and Dawn had stuffed zucchini flowers for an appetizer.
We spent some time on the sunny terrace before retiring to the dining room for dinner, mindful of trying to get Tony and Jackie on the French clock. It was of course an early evening.

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