Friday, March 6, 2020

Aswan to Cairo

It was another early start this morning, on a day when we had some Aswan area touring and we were also flying back to Cairo. We started off with a drive to the High Aswan Dam. This dam was built with a fair bit of funding from the Soviet Union, therefore there is quite a noticeable monument commemorating their activity in this project. This dam was finished in 1971.
After the dam we took another boat ride, this time to Philae Temple, another of the monuments that had to be moved to higher ground when the dam was flooded.
This was another Greco-Roman temple with recognizable pillons on either side of the entrance.
This place was cat heaven.
Then we returned to our river boat for the last time and the last lunch before we departed for the airport.
Our flight was at 1:50, once again on Air Cairo. Within five minutes of arriving at the airport we were body frisked twice. The flight was a quick 75 minutes and we were back in Cairo and we were rejoined by our copper. I guess they decided we were safe without an armed guard in the south. We once again passed by the city of the living and the dead where many have opted to live in the tombs of the dead.
Then we were off to one of older sections of the city to a souk - Khalili marketplace. Getting there was a challenge, given the congested streets. The sea of humanity in this souk is incredible. The merchants were generally pretty friendly but if you wanted something, you better be ready for a long bargaining session. I did get a Hard Rock Shirt - knockoff of course - because it was clear that I was never getting near the new real HRC. The walk here was not frightening, but because Dawn wore a dress today, she was getting some pretty interesting looks from Muslim women.
After touring the souk, we got back into the nasty traffic and made our way slowly to Le Passage hotel for the night.

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