Friday, March 20, 2020


We’ve now been home for a week and in that time the world has gone bonkers. Covid 19 is taking its toll everywhere. We have been in isolation since we got home. We’re lucky to have family support and our son in law has been doing grocery and wine runs. When we flew from Jordan, they had already closed their borders and the airport was vacant. We were screened in Cairo for temperature, but saw NO ONE in Toronto when we landed. Since then there are next to no flights, airlines, hotels, etc.laying off personnel like crazy. When we took off from Cairo it was raining heavily. What we didn’t know was that the rain became violent thunderstorms with torrential downpours that created flooding in Cairo, contaminating water supplies with sewage and killing 4 people. Now, most borders in the world are closed. We’re feeling healthy but still have another week of isolation. Meanwhile they are forecasting snow for Petra tomorrow. Our weather was so fabulous during our entire trip that it’s hard to imagine anything else. Floods in Cairo? Snow in Petra? Man, did we ever dodge a bullet! Our timing was unplanned perfect. We feel very grateful. What the future looks like in terms of travel remains to be seen. Right now we are happy to be safely home. The wine cellar is restocked, the larder is replenished and we are content!

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