So ... back to today. Sing along with me now, "Do I know the way to old Marseilles"? Yes I do.
When we returned to the rental agency this morning, they were pretty much incredulous as to what had happened the day before. As it turns out, there IS an inflation device with a sealing compound in the car, that we were expected to know about and that I might add, no one told us about. So, it appears we were taken for a bit of a ride yesterday - you know the old "Oh they're tourists thing, so let's sock it to 'em." The bottom line was that if we didn't go back to Marseilles for the car, we were buying it.
So... after a morning with the rental agent and explaining that we had a problem going to Marseilles because we had only one driver who would do the autoroute, the owner of the agency, Sebastian - who I might add, spoke absolutely no English - and I headed back to Marseilles with an extra tire and changing gear in tow. The ADA people in Orange felt that the whole problem and the taxi costs were the responsibility of VW and they gave us addresses with which to direct our concerns.
We actually made the return trip to Marseilles and back with no further costs and left on good terms with the rental agency and Sebastian in particular, who I think felt pretty badly about what we'd been through.
When I returned to Cairanne, Jackie & Dennis had arrived so the party got stoked up once again.
I'm sorry about the lack of photos today, but I do have a nice shot of a praying mantis steel sculpture in a roundabout just south of Cairanne and a picture of the four of us basking in the late day sun.

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