The drive up to this chateau was steep, but mild in comparison with the walk up to the chateau once we parked. We were very fortunate to have very clear and sunny conditions for our visit to these castles, because our views were superlative. These ruins have been made over more than once, since their original Cathar foundations, so it’s hard to appreciate what they had been originally, but they were still amazing.
Winding down from Queribus, we headed out for the opposite peak of Peyrepetuse. This is a 3 * Michelin attraction for good reason. It is huge and a lot of it is very well preserved.
Before we started on our trek upwards, we had lunch at one of many picnic tables on site. Feeling replenished, we started up. Both chateaux had a 5 euro admission fee - by the way. It took a good 45 minutes to walk up and Dawn stalled at the final ascent stairs, but it was an interesting trek with steep and treacherous routes all the way. More than once, I had the distinct feeling that my antiperspirant had failed me. Views from both summits were superlative, but most pics taken fail to totally capture the 3D impressiveness of these sites.
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