Wednesday September 19, 2007
The mistral appears to be here for a while. It blew pretty nicely yesterday, abated a bit over the night, but today it nearly blew us away a couple of times. Fortunately, it’s a relatively warm wind and the day was around 24 and sunny anyway, so the wind wasn’t a problem.
Dawn discovered this morning what I suspected when we arrived at Cachette – we’ve got scorpians. She actually tromped it on her own. Way to go Dawn! Of course they’re small, but we must remember to shake out clothes before putting them on.
On the way to Perpignan this morning, we passed a team of hunters, sitting on their little leather chairs with their rifles by the side of the road, while others with their dogs were down in the valley flushing the sangliers – wild boars. We saw another group on the way home, just outside of Fraisse. There must have been 15 of them scattered through the hillside with a good 6-10 dogs. We’ve heard no bangs, so I suspect they came up dry today.
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