Thursday, September 7, 2017

A Windy Day

Today was a windy one. On our way to the market in Nyons, we stopped for the mandatory photo above Cairanne and nearly blew down into the village.
Is it the Mistral or a Sirocco - don't really know, but it's made the warm day a little more tolerable. The grape harvest - vendange - has begun in earnest. I don't have any photos to prove it yet, but will include some soon. What is for certain is that the gigantic grape harvesters and farmer's wagons overflowing with grapes, now dominate the roads. The market in Nyons was crazy and we had to park over a kilometre from the market proper, so we got in a good walk. We came out with a pizza for lunch and a chicken for dinner.
At this point, we are starting to make plans to head out on a four day trip into the Auvergne, which is only an hour and a half northwest of us. This is a first and promises to be interesting.

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